Pivotal Commware Introduces New Spotlight™ mmWave FWA Qualifier and Cyclops™ RF Scanner at Mobile World Congress Barcelona

Spotlight’s Unit-Level FWA Qualification Leverages First Holographic Beam Forming Scanner

Pivotal Commware Introduces New Spotlight™ mmWave FWA Qualifier and Cyclops™ RF Scanner at Mobile World Congress Barcelona

Global Results Communications
Lora Metzner

Pivotal Commware, global leader in 5G mmWave infrastructure products for the wireless edge, announces Spotlight for accurate and targeted FWA qualification, and Cyclops, a portable Holographic Beam Forming™ (HBF) scanner for localizing and visualizing 5G mmWave signals. Pivotal will share details about Spotlight and Cyclops at the 2025 Mobile World Congress, from March 3 to 6.

Spotlight supplies Unit Address Qualification (UAQ) to Multi-Dwelling, Multi-Tenant, and Single-Family Units (MDUs, MTUs, and SFUs) to ensure that customers achieve the service quality they expect with mmWave FWA. Spotlight is a new capability in WaveScape, Pivotal’s mmWave propagation modeling and network planning tool.

Spotlight combines high resolution geodata, signal strength, angle-of-incidence, outdoor-to-indoor signal penetration, and readily available floor plans to predict mmWave coverage and performance by individual living units. WaveScape can also automatically place Pivot 5G repeaters to serve more living units, if desired.

“Spotlight predictions have been proven accurate by on-site measurements of signal strength and throughput in dozens of MDUs,” said Brett Mills-Meiner, Pivotal Commware’s Head of Product for Cloud Software. “Carriers need accurate unit-level FWA qualification to make mmWave FWA operationally feasible.”

“Up-to-date high-resolution geodata and a cloud-based/Machine Learning-enabled application like WaveScape is absolutely required to deliver the precision and fidelity required to give network operators the confidence to trust their own network coverage qualification," added Pivotal Commware’s Chief Executive Officer Brian Deutsch. “Using legacy 3-meter modeling tools is like timing a race with a sundial. With 10cm resolution—30x more precise than legacy tools—WaveScape gives operators the confidence to qualify addresses accurately and optimize FWA coverage like never before. That’s #mmWaveSolved.”

Cyclops is the first and only portable scanner that uses Holographic Beam Forming (HBF) to pinpoint and visualize RF energy. Pivotal field technicians use Cyclops to localize signal sources in use case scenarios ranging from site acquisition to interference detection. HBF’s low size, weight and power consumption facilitates Cyclops’ easy, out-of-box portability and long battery life.

“Cost-effective mmWave deployment requires that field installers know where the signal is coming from,” said Melroy Machado, Senior Director of Product Management, Pivotal Commware. “Cyclops offers a controllable, diagnostic scan in a uniquely small, lightweight and low power consumption device.”

About Pivotal Commware, Inc.

Pivotal Commware created the world’s first product ecosystem dedicated to solving millimeter wave’s most vexing challenges: WaveScape® network planning tool for optimizing the placement of network elements, Pivot 5G network repeaters for navigating signals around obstacles, Echo 5G subscriber repeaters for penetrating signals indoors through window glass, and Intelligent Beam Management System platform for managing and optimizing the repeater network. Pivotal repeaters use its patented antenna technology, Holographic Beam Forming® for lowest cost, size, weight, and power consumption (C-SWaP). Pivotal Turnkey is an end-to-end solution for planning and deploying fixed wireless access (FWA) for Mobile Network Operators. The company is privately held and headquartered in Bothell, Washington. For more information, visit www.pivotalcommware.com

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